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    Federal budget institution of science “Northwest scientific center of hygiene and public health” (the Center) provides an integrated ecological-hygienic studies for more than 30 years, organizes and conducts field work in various parts of the Russian Arctic (from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka and Kamchatka), actively cooperating with foreign research partners from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Canada, USA. Scientific cooperation is formed within the framework of joint international projects, primarily under the auspices Of the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), the international network for the Elimination of POPS (IPEN), the Kolarctic Program (an instrument of Partnership and cross-Border Cooperation of the EU), in cooperation with international associations of indigenous peoples of the far North. The representative of the Center, as a scientific expert, has been a permanent member of the AMAP Health Assessment Group since 2002.

    The main research areas of the Center are: hygiene and epidemiology of the environment in the Arctic, hygienic aspects of the safety of local food and drinking water, oncoepidemiology, ecotoxicology of persistent pollutants( SSV), assessment of exposure to SSV of various groups of the Arctic population, including indigenous people, assessment of the effects of SSV on the body and health risks, taking into account the specifics of the complex of ” Arctic factors», development of preventive measures to reduce and prevent pollution of the habitat of the Arctic territories and minimize the impact of harmful environmental factors on the health of the population.

    The materials and results obtained in the course of scientific research were used in the development of regulatory and methodological documents in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the assessment and management of individual risk of damage to the health of workers performing labor operations in cold conditions, justification for limiting the use of commercial food products that cause an increased risk to public health.